What is Bread Improver – Everything You Should Know

bread improver

Bread improvers are specially formulated blends used in bread making to enhance the quality of the final product. They consist of enzymes, emulsifiers, and other ingredients, aiding in dough development and improving bread texture, volume, and shelf life. In this blog, we will see what is bred improver, types, how it is manufactured, and many more things

Bread Improver Ingredients

Bread improver typically includes enzymes like amylases and proteases, emulsifiers such as lecithin, vitamins like ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and sometimes soy flour or vital wheat gluten. These elements work together to improve dough elasticity and the overall structure of bread. 

Where to Purchase Bread Improver 

Bread improvers are available through specialty baking shops, larger supermarkets, and online baking ingredient retailers. Brands offer these improvers in quantities suitable for commercial bakeries and home bakers nationwide.

How to Utilize Bread Improver 

Using bread improver follows guidelines similar to those of other regions. It’s typically added to the flour before combining it with other ingredients. Manufacturers provide dosage recommendations, crucial for achieving desired bread quality. When shopping for baking essentials like bread improver, consider your local grocery store for convenience.

Substitutes for Bread Improver 

While there isn’t an exact substitute for bread improver, ingredients like vital wheat gluten or ascorbic acid can offer similar effects in improving dough quality. However, their impact may differ slightly, requiring careful experimentation.

Understanding bread improvers is vital for Kiwi bakers, as they contribute significantly to achieving consistent, high-quality bread.

Understanding Bread Improvers

Simply put, bread improvers are additives that enhance the quality and consistency of bread. They date back to the early 20th century, marking a significant shift in commercial baking. These improvers are crucial in tackling challenges like varying flour quality and environmental conditions.

Types of Bread Improvers

Bread improvers come in various forms, including enzymes, emulsifiers, oxidizing, and reducing agents. Each type serves a specific purpose, from strengthening the dough to improving its texture. Various types of bread improvers cater to specific baking needs. Some focus on enhancing dough handling, while others emphasize volume, texture, or crust color. You can consider different types of improvers can enhance the quality and nutritional profile of your protein foods.

How Bread Improvers Work

These improvers enhance dough strength, improve texture, and prolong the bread’s freshness. They make the bread-making process more forgiving and the final product more appealing. Incorporating fiber food sources into your dough enhances both its texture and nutritional value.

Benefits of Using Bread Improvers

Using bread improvers offers several benefits, such as consistent quality, extended shelf life, and enhanced taste and texture. This consistency is especially crucial for commercial bakeries to meet customer expectations.

Common Ingredients in Bread Improvers: Bread improvers contain various ingredients like ascorbic acid, enzymes, and emulsifiers. Each ingredient is unique, such as improving dough stability or enhancing flavor.

The Role of Enzymes in Bread Improvers: Enzymes are pivotal in bread improvers, affecting the baking process in multiple ways. They help in dough conditioning, flavor development, and shelf-life extension.

Choosing the Right Bread Improver: Selecting the appropriate bread improver depends on several factors, including the type of bread and desired characteristics. Understanding these nuances is crucial for both commercial and home bakers.

Bread Improvers in Commercial Baking: In commercial settings, bread improvers are vital for large-scale production. They ensure consistency and efficiency, which are crucial for meeting the demands of a broad consumer base.

Bread Improvers for Home Baking: For home bakers, bread improvers are readily available and can significantly enhance the baking experience. Tips and tricks for using these improvers can elevate the quality of homemade bread.

Debates Around Bread Improvers: Despite their benefits, bread improvers are not without controversy. Health concerns and debates over natural versus artificial improvers are prevalent in consumer discussions.

Innovations in Bread Improvers: The field of bread improvers is continuously evolving, with recent advancements focusing on natural ingredients and sustainability. These innovations promise more health and wellness or bread improvers.

Regulations and Standards: Bread improvers are subject to regulations and standards set by governing bodies worldwide. These regulations ensure the safety and quality of bread improvers used in commercial and home baking.


1. What can I use instead of bread improver?

A. You can use vitamin C (ascorbic acid), yogurt, or mashed potatoes to improve bread texture and rise.

2. How much bread improver per kg of flour?

A. Typically, use about 1% of the flour weight. So, for 1 kg of flour, use around 10 grams of bread improver.

3. Is Bread Improver Gluten-Free?

A. It depends on the specific bread improver. Some are gluten-free, but you need to check the product label.

4. Is Bread Improver Yeast?

A. No, the bread improver is not yeast. It’s a mix of ingredients that enhance the bread-making process, often including enzymes, emulsifiers, and conditioners.

5. What Does Bread Improver Do?

A. Bread improver enhances the dough’s strength, elasticity, and fermentation. It improves the texture, volume, and shelf life of the bread.


In conclusion, bread improvers are valuable additions to the baking process. They assist bakers in consistently producing high-quality bread with desired characteristics. Bread improvers play a vital role in the world of baking. They ensure quality, consistency, and appeal, making them indispensable in commercial and home baking.

There are plenty of organic food stores available in New Zealand that provide organic and healthy food products. As the industry evolves, so will the nature and use of these improvers, continuing to shape the future of bread making. Consider a balanced diet that includes foods for diabetes that align with the principles of a healthy food pyramid.

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