Decoding Labels: A Beginner’s Guide to Identifying True Natural Organic Food

Are you tired of the confusing labels on food products? Do you want to ensure you’re buying authentic natural organic food? Navigating the grocery store aisles can be challenging with so many buzzwords and claims plastered on the packaging. But fear not! In this beginner’s guide, we’ll decode the labels and help you make informed choices about the food you consume.


Understanding Organic Certification


Organic food has gained significant popularity recently due to its perceived health benefits and environmental sustainability. But what does “organic” really mean? I’m happy to help clarify the meaning of “organic”. Essentially, this term refers to the methods used in growing and processing agricultural products. Food must be produced without synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or chemical fertilizers to be labeled organic. Instead, organic farming practices focus on natural methods that promote soil health and biodiversity.


Certified Organic vs. Natural: What’s the Difference?


While “organic” and “natural” are often used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings. “Certified organic” is a regulated label that guarantees a product meets specific standards set by government bodies or certifying agencies. On the other hand, “natural” is a term that lacks a consistent definition and can be misused by food manufacturers. It’s essential to look for the “certified organic” label to ensure the product’s authenticity.

natural food items

Key points to look at:

When shopping for natural organic food, keep an eye out for these key terms on product labels:


100% Organic: This label indicates that all ingredients in the product are certified organic. It’s the highest organic labeling standard and assures that the food is entirely free from synthetic additives.


Organic: To clarify, products labeled as “organic” actually contain a minimum of 95% organic ingredients, and the left behind 5% must be from a list of approved non-organic ingredients.


Prepared with Organic Ingredients: When a product is labeled as such, it indicates that it comprises a minimum of 70% organic components. The remaining non-organic ingredients must meet specific criteria and be approved in organic products.


Free Range: Typically associated with meat, poultry, and eggs, this label indicates that the animals were raised with outdoor access. However, it’s essential to note that “free range” doesn’t guarantee organic practices or that the animals were fed an organic diet.


GMO-Free: When shopping for produce, looking for GMO-free options is good. Genetically modified organisms are organisms whose genetic material has been altered in a laboratory.


Tips for Making Informed Choices


Now that you’re familiar with the key terms, here are some additional tips to help you navigate the grocery store with confidence:


  • Read Ingredient Lists: Labels can be misleading, but ingredient lists provide valuable information. Check for recognizable, natural ingredients and avoid products with long lists of artificial additives.
  • Look for Third-Party Certifications: Besides the “certified organic” label, watch for other reputable certifications such as Non-GMO Project Verified or USDA Organic. These certifications provide an extra layer of assurance.
  • Support Local Farmers: Consider visiting your local farmers’ market or becoming a member of a CSA program. Local farmers often follow organic practices, even if they don’t have official organic certification.
  • Educate Yourself: Stay updated on the latest research and news related to organic food. Understanding the benefits and challenges of organic farming can help you make more informed choices.




Decoding labels and identifying actual natural organic food can be a manageable task. By understanding the differences between “organic” and “natural,” familiarizing yourself with key terms, and following the tips mentioned, you can confidently choose food products that align with your values and promote a healthier lifestyle. Remember, every purchasing decision you make has an impact, so let’s support sustainable and organic practices for a better future.

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